Helping Others

A Glimpse of Some of the Ways We Help Others

Ways We Are Helping Others Since 2020

In 2020 to 2023, we’ve helped many people who are full time employed yet who are still struggling to ‘make ends meet’.

We’ve also helped many with immediate shelter, food, clothing needs – especially during times of tragic major medical situations.

We’ve helped with paying overdue school lunches for elementary and Jr High schools, along with helping with backpacks for school supplies.

We’ve provided High School graduation gifts to graduating seniors whose families could not financially provide celebrations or Sr trips to honor their loved one.

We’ve helped working families who have experienced tragic death with a portion of funeral expenses – in an effort to help honor their loved one in a meaningful way.

We’ve contributed to the work of an orphanage in Ukraine – and in helping to rescue children from the ravages of war.

Collaborations with Other Non-Profit Organizations

Girlie Girls Mentoring Program, Inc (Lake Charles, Louisiana)

Countless Joys has supported the impactful and beautiful work of this amazing mentoring group for several years.

Anita Barker is the Founder and active Director – and a powerfully impactful woman of faith and belief that we CAN impact the lives of girls to empower them toward success and a lasting impact in their world. She is an on-the-ground, hands-on leader who loves, loves, love the hearts and purpose of young women.

It is truly our joy to touch the lives of these women and of Anita’s life in small ways along the way of the huge impacts the Girlie Girls Mentoring Program and Anita are making for years to come.

Learn more about the Girlie Girls Mentoring Program

Flourish Community Center for Teen Girls in Daphne, Alabama

Flourish is a Community Center for Teen Girls in Daphne, Alabama – founded by the amazing Natalie Wynn.

Flourish helps equip and empower teen girls to excel and flourish in all aspects of life. The organization provides a safe community space that empowers teen girls to grow into the women they are created to be. This work is accomplished through life coaching, career training and personal development opportunities.

Countless Joys actively supports the work of Flourish with donations for special projects and monthly facility support. It is our honor to invest in the lives of these teen girls and in the worthy work that Natalie and her team are doing on-the-ground, heart-to-heart each week with many young girls. Their future is much more promising because of Flourish.

Learn more about Flourish

Annual Fundraiser for Eye Heart World, 2018

We supported Eye Heart World’s annual fundraiser, Run for Home, providing funding for God’s Daughters, who are survivors of human trafficking.

The residential home in Green Bay, Wisconsin provides support for healing and life skills training for success.

We were so blessed to lead a team in running/ walking 26.2 miles during the 30 days of May as we raised funds to Bring God’s Daughters Home.

Calcasieu Parish District Attorneys Office, 2016

Countless Joys participated in the Fresh Start Initiative, which helps non-violent offenders (who have served their sentences and completed probation) receive expungement of felony records so they can create a better future.

This means securing gainful employment, safe housing, and transportation. Employment, housing, and transportation opportunities allow these individuals to establish a productive livelihood and contribute to society in meaningful ways.

This type of expungement program follows the law, which is very clear in its guidelines for who qualifies under what terms.

Bama Boys with Boats, 2017

During the aftermath of the Houston flooding in 2017, Countless Joys partnered with Bama Boys with Boats to put Boots in the Water (and Mud) in helping the survivors in Southeast Texas.

We provided immediate essential needs (food, water, first aid supplies, and animal supplies) along with boats, men, women, and a rescue dog.

Pakistan Missionary Awais Masih, 2017

Countless Joys was able to help with the purchase of many coats for Pakistani children, who are under the ministry of Awais Masih.

He faithfully, fearlessly, and tirelessly ministers to these children and their families with very little creature comforts. We are so blessed to be a blessing to him and to these children.

School Lunch Debt Relief Project in conjunction with the Calcasieu Parish School Nutrition Program, 2017

Our Christmas Project for 2017 was to help relieve hard-working families of past due School Lunch Debt.

These families earn too much income to qualify for government assistance, but do not earn enough income to fully fund school lunches.

Through the generous donations of our supporters, we were able to reduce the school lunch debt by several thousand dollars for many families.

Touching the Lives of Others with Joy

GLEAN of Southwest Louisiana, 2015

This Southwest Louisiana organization so graciously collected Arts & Craft supplies for Countless Joy to give to survivors of human trafficking (minor children) who were in Safe Homes in Houston, Texas.

Countless Joys delivered the Fun Packs to these beautiful children right before Christmas.

Fundraising Campaign Free to Be Kids Again, 2015-2016

This fundraising campaign benefited survivors of human trafficking (minor children) who were living in Safe Homes in Houston, Texas.

We were able to provide Christmas gifts for the children and help fund several planned Fun Day events (like Fields Trips) for the children.

Debbie Mendez, Founder of Breaking Boundaries Children’s Ministries (Houston, Texas), 2016

Debbie works with minor children who have been rescued from human trafficking in the United States.

Countless Joys partnered with Debbie to provide small gift bags of toiletries donated to us by people who stayed in hotels, but who did not use the fabulous personal hygiene items. What a blessing these gift bags are to young girls!

Catastrophic Flooding in Lafayette, Louisiana, 2016

We provided Boots in the Mud (literally) for 3 days helping with basic human need survival supplies purchased through Countless Joy’s generous donors.

We purchased supplies and assembled Flood Buckets for survivors. These buckets include the basic clean-up supplies for the First Line of Disposal of flooded housing materials.

We also joined with hundreds of other volunteers in helping to tear out sheet rock and other soaked building materials from flooded homes in preparation for repair work.

The joy on the faces of those who received help was overwhelming – and such a reward.

Mentoring and Empowering Youth

Girlie Girls Mentoring Program, Inc., 2016 to Present

Countless Joys partners regularly with Anita Barker and her Girlie Girls organization (Lake Charles, Louisiana) to support ongoing training, education, and empowerment programs.

We especially focus on providing educational support materials on prevention and awareness of human trafficking of children and teenagers.

Human Trafficking and Social Media Safety Education and Awareness Program , 2016-2017

Countless Joys partnered with community leaders and other organizations to lead in the development of a custom-learning curriculum and program plan. This program is aimed at high school students in public schools in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

The content of the program focuses on Human Trafficking Awareness and Social Media Safety. The educational program is interactive and creates empowerment for the youth to take charge through knowledge and safety. The curriculum is designed to be engaging, leading to the students taking purposeful action in their schools and community.This program also includes a mentoring aspect aimed at the High School students teaching Jr. High students.

This Education and Awareness program continues in a modified form today in Calcasieu Parish Public Schools and in some private schools.

Let's Share a Call to Action

CHALLENGING YOU: Help us build a Reserve Fund so we are ready to respond to the needs of others in a moment’s notice. Every donation amount counts. LET’S DO THIS TOGETHER!

Connect With Us

Countless Joys, Inc.
P.O. Box 6434
Lake Charles, LA 70606

We are a 501c3 recognized corporation with the United States Internal Revenue Service.

All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.